Thursday, November 20, 2014

I have created this blog to introduce the Colombian culture to many of you. Many think of Colombia and the thought of drugs and violence often times comes to mind. Huge drug lords such as Pablo Escobar from the 1970's gave that impression of the country to many people, even to this day. There is a lot more to Colombia than its drug related issues and its violence. Colombia has such a strong beautiful culture, such as its food and music, soccer, arts and much more which I hope to show you guys. Enjoy!
Hi! I'm Alexandra.
Although I was not born in Colombia, I recognize my self as a Colombian because my parents were both born there and I was raised as a Colombian. I'm a senior in high school living in Boston. I live in East Boston which is filled with many Colombians which constantly reminds me of the culture I was raised in. It's a great environment to grow up in. I hope you all enjoy my blog.  (: