Thursday, December 18, 2014

December in Colombia

 If there is anywhere I could be in December, it would be in Colombia. December in Colombia is filled with novenas, alumbrados, natilla,buñuelos, and non stop parties. Most of Colombia is Catholic so it is a traditionalist country.  Novenas are prayers that begin on December 16, until the 24 where families gather together every night to pray and sing Christmas carols.  At These novenas little appetizers are passed around, such as natilla and buñuelos. There is holiday spirit every where you go especially since it is "summer vacation" in Colombia people are always trying to have a good time and always throwing parties. It is the livest month of the year and it is the month where everyone looks forward to because of the parties. 

The picture above is Natilla which is the food that looks like a jello, and buñuelos are the round ones. Natilla is a delicious cross between pudding, coconut, and cinnamon. it is prepared with milk and thickened with corn starch, and sweetened panela. Buñuelos are cheeseballs that a fried. The buñuelos is a great compliment to go with the sweetness of la natilla. Both of these are vital dishes for the christmas menu in Colombia and are delicious. 

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